We all know that the Omega 3's and 6's are heart healthy and good for us. What many don't realize is that you do not have to obtain these nutrients through animal abuse in the fish and egg industries. So, just where can a compassionate vegan go to get what they need from the plant kingdom? Here is where to start:
(1)Canola Oil
(2) Flaxseed Oil
(3) Soybeans, soybean oil, tofu
(4) Walnuts and walnut oil
(5) Wheat Germ and wheat germ oil
(1) Almonds and almond oil
(2) Black current oil
(3) Borage oil
(4) Corn Oil
(5) Evening Primrose Oil
(6) Peanuts and peanut oil
(7) Safflower oil
(8) Soybeans, soybean oil, tofu
(9) Sunflower seeds and sunflower oil
(10) Walnuts and walnut oil
(11) Wheat germ and what germ oil
It is obvious that plants provide all of the Omega 3 and 6 that our bodies need and we cannot use this need as an excuse to eat fish and eggs.
May you eat in a compassionate way each and every day.